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Thursday 9 May 2013

Tip # No1,Weight; If you are either significantly under or over-weight can affect your fertility and cause complications during pregnancy and going into labour. If possible, your preconception weight should be within 15 pounds of the ideal range for your height. If you are underweight, there is a risk that your baby will be small and may have problems during labour and after birth. If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop diabetes or high blood pressure during pregnancy. Regular exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming, carried out for 20 minutes three times a week, will get you fit before conception and help your body cope better with the demands of pregnancy. Tip # No2, Avoid Smoking; Smoking can affect both male and female fertility. Women who smoke tend to have lower oestrogen levels than non-smokers and this can lead to irregular ovulation. Even if this does not occur, nicotine and other cigarette toxins can reduce the chance of fertilisation. Male smokers often have a lower sperm count and the quality of their sperm is generally poorer which makes fertilisation less likely. So, by giving up smoking you can both increase your fertility and your chances of successful conception. Smoking during pregnancy will also put your baby at risk and can affect the mother?s health, so stopping now will benefit you and your baby. Tip # No3, Avoid Alcohol; Drinking alcohol can lead to a lower sperm count with high numbers of the sperm they do produce being abnormal. Ideally, a man should stop drinking on a regular basis for at least three months before conception to allow healthy sperm to develop. Although in women drinking rarely prevents ovulation, it can cause the pregnancy to fail and will certainly increase the risk of miscarriage. In pregnancy, alcohol can restrict foetal development and may also lead to malformation. Tip # No4 ,Avoid Drugs; Fertilisation and the early development of a baby are controlled by delicately balanced processes in the body, so any additional chemicals entering your body can upset this balance. Therefore drugs, whether legal or illegal, are potentially hazardous to fertility and the development of the unborn baby. Even caffeine, taken in excess, can affect your chances of conception. And you should always seek advice from a doctor before taking over-the-counter medications, natural remedies and supplements during conception. Tip # No5, Diet; A healthy diet is important for both you and your partner?s fertility and for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Eliminating ?junk? food and eating a balanced diet for a least four months before you start trying to conceive will help to correct any nutritional deficiencies either of you may have. Eat plenty of wholegrain, fruit, vegetables, and protein-rich food such as chicken and fish. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, and instead of tea and coffee, have herbal teas and diluted fruit juice. Extensive studies have also shown that folic acid, found naturally in citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables and some fortified breads and cereals, can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. A daily supplement of 400mcg of folic acid should be taken for at least three months before becoming pregnant and until the 12th week of pregnancy. As well as folic acid, taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement, designed especially for pregnancy, will ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need to sustain a healthy pregnancy and child birth. Tip # No6, Avoid Stress; Make sure you have plenty of rest and relaxation and try to avoid high stress levels. Too much stress can upset sex hormone levels and the normal menstrual cycle. Men under stress are more likely to have poor sperm quality and may suffer from premature ejaculation or have problems maintaining an erection.

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