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Wednesday 8 May 2013

There are numerous couples out there who are very eager and ready to bear a child of their own. However, they seem to have run out of luck with such goal. There are no scientifically significant studies that the positioning and the timing of the coitus would matter and play a role in getting pregnant. Bear in mind the ironic fact that the woman produces only one egg for an entire month cycle and the male produces millions of sperms as he ejaculates. But only one sperm gets to unite and survive the journey to bond with the egg. However, these below are the few things you might want to consider if you are in need of help and advice to getting pregnant. 1.Eat Healthy. What you eat plays a major and vital role in the success rate of an individual and as a couple. Eating healthy would promote healthy and mature eggs (female) and healthy sperm (male). With this there is much higher percentage of the success rate for the egg and the sperm to unite. Studies have shown that those individuals who have an unhealthy eating lifestyle, especially those that drink alcoholic drinks have abnormal sperms. They usually have two-headed sperm or sometime sperms that don?t have a tail. With this, there is certainly a decrease of success in reaching the egg. Women who also have an unhealthy eating lifestyle would likely alter the balance of their pH in their vagina making the sperm unable to reach the egg. Hence, eating healthy will likely increase the chances of getting pregnant and producing a healthy baby as well. 2.Exercise Daily. With daily exercise it helps tone down and reduces cholesterol and fats in the body. This has been studied that women who are obese and who have apparently high BMI than normal have lesser chances to getting pregnant. Daily exercise helps improve blood circulation. When there is increase and healthy blood circulating within the system, it provides distribution of the nutrients all over the body. It also helps keep the individual tone and healthy and not feel sluggish. 3.Avoid Stress. Stress not only increases the risk of cancer, but it can also alter the hormonal balance of the individual. When there is stress, there is sometimes an irregular delay of the woman of her menstruation, thus her fertile period. Sometimes, the egg produced would not be mature enough to unite with the sperm. If a woman is stressed and weary, there would be a decrease in the stimulation to unite with his husband. Hence, there is a decrease in the chance to have a baby. 4.Sleep Early. Sleeping early and having enough sleep helps energize the individual. When a person is energized he/she has the ability to stay fit and healthy and thus produce healthy eggs and sperm. When they do, they will have a higher chance of being successful in getting pregnant. 5.Enjoy and Know the Right Time. Bearing a child is not as easy as it seems especially if you and your husband has been trying to do it but seem to be unsuccessful. Relaxing and enjoying the moment usually helps. Think not of the goal that is to achieve a baby but instead think of it as a time of union between a husband and a wife in love. Knowing the right time helps as the woman has a period of fertility. This period is usually a marking point wherein the body actually helps to make the pregnancy successful. If all these seem not to work, it would then be best to seek medical help as there may be a problem either toward the male or the female. Certain conditions such as low sperm count, abnormal sperms, and immature eggs may be the cause for the unsuccessful try to getting pregnant.

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