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Friday 17 May 2013

Pimples under the eye

Almost every woman gets a pimple or two before the period. We blame hormones and hide pimples with concealer.

But have you ever thought about why pimples appear on the same spot every time and no cream or cleanser can help to get rid of them? Eastern medicine suggests that problems with the skin is a reflection of inner well-being.

Depending on the place where you usually get pimples, it is possible to determine what health problems you might have. Of course it's not a diagnosis, but it might be worth paying attention to.Pimples on forehead

Pimples on forehead or above the eyebrow mean that your intestines are struggling to cope with their responsibilities. Your diet is most likely dominated by fats, soft drinks, red meat. Your body struggles to get rid of the extra toxins.

Consume less chocolate, cakes, lemonade and Coke, drink more mineral water without gas. Eat food that helps eliminate toxins from the body: boiled cabbage, and baked apples.

More on how to treat intestinal problems.Pimples on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of pimples on the bridge of the nose indicates that your liver is overloaded and poorly purifies the blood. Most likely, you enjoy all the smoked and grilled, milk, cheese and meat.

Change the style of cooking, bake food in the oven, arrange fasting days once a week. Try to give up all dairy for a month.

More on liver problems.Pimples under the eye

Pimples in this place mean problems with kidneys and adrenals. You are probably very tired, sleep very little, and are under constant stress. Your diet lacks essential nutrients.

Moderate your activity. Forget about ambitions and dieting; practice meditation, watch the surface of the water. Fruits and vegetables with high content of vitamin C (kiwi, sweet pepper, oranges) will help in providing you with a good mood.

More on kidney problems and home remedies that can help.Pimples on chest, back and cheeks

Pimples on chest, as well as on the back and cheeks indicate the lungs' overload. According to the Eastern medicine, the lungs accumulate unbalanced, heavy and viscous energy that does not find a way out. Perhaps you smoke, do not have enough fresh air, feel lonely, eat sweets and dairy products, eat little fruit and vegetables.

Try to spend more time on fresh air every day. Include fresh vegetables, oatmeal and brown rice in your diet.Pimples on nose (the tip of the nose and nose wings)

Pimples on nose indicate the problems of the cardiovascular system. The heart may lack vitamin B and protein. You have a very passive way of life, are constantly worried, and move very little. Your skin suffers from lack of nutrients and poor blood circulation.

Add more green vegetables and fruits, fish, various cereals to your diet. Do morning exercises or work out at least one hour a day.Pimple on lip and shoulders

Pimple on lip or shoulders means problems with digestive system. Have you noticed indigestion, intestinal colic or constipation? You are very sensitive and vulnerable, too worried about everyone and everything.

Include more food containing fiber in your diet. Have a cup of green tea after each meal.Pimples on chin and jaw

Pimples on the chin indicate hormonal imbalance in the sexual life. You might be nervous, sleep very little, drink much coffee or alcohol. Sometimes it might be a signal of polycystic ovary syndrome, so be sure to consult a doctor.Read about pimples on buttocks in my next hub, as well as main causes of acne breakouts and pimples.

Now you know what the appearance of pimples on your face and body means and what you need in order to have healthier skin. But if an "enemy" appeared unexpectedly, check out how to get rid of acne and breakouts in natural way.

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