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Friday 17 May 2013

Lip Pimples - Picture Day Nightmare

There's nothing like waking up picture day morning to find that you have one or more lip pimples. Lip pimples are among the more annoying variations of acne. People are tempted to squeeze, touch, or otherwise tamper with these zits, often causing them to linger for longer time periods or worsen. More often than not, lip pimples are the result of pure negligence on behalf of their beholder. Fortunately, they can be prevented with a few behavioral modifications. We will outline some of these modifications below.Constant Touching

Probably one of the worst offenders when it comes to a pimple on lip is constant touching of the lips. You have to realize that your hands are full of bacteria and germs. When you touch your lips, you inadvertently spread this bacteria. Although some experience no negative effects from continually tampering with their lips, others do. Wiping your lip three or fewer times a day to remove food residue or sweat does not constitute excessive touching. Those of you that touch your lips out of habit for no apparent reason are the ones that should worry. You know who you are, so its best to start kicking the habit.

If you find it difficult to refrain from touching, simply consider the unsighly acne that may result. This should be an ample deterrent in getting your behavior straightened out. Remember that you can also contract other illnesses such as the flu from excessive touching habits. So you're not only doing it for the sake of acne prevention.Popping Lip Pimples

it is a safe to say that nearly 99% of people who get lip pimples proceed to pop them. It can be hard to resist when you see that inflamed whitehead smack dab in the center of your lip. Although you may get some instant, temporary relief, the lip pimple will come back to haunt you, guaranteed. Acne lesions contain p. acnes bacteria within. This bacteria is what gives your standard pimple the characteristic white dot at the center. Your white blood cells attack the bacteria within giving a white tint to the pus.

When you decide you can no longer take the sight of a pimple on lip and pop it, you disburse the bacteria in the vicinity immediately surrounding the pimple. This can easily trigger new breakouts. Further, by squeezing the lesion which has already irritated the skin, you are creating in further irritation. Irritation and acne breakouts are good friends. So, the next time you see a lip pimple getting ready to protrude, leave it alone. You body is handling the situation, and the last thing you want to do is worsen the pimple, cause new lesions, or worst of all create acne scarring. Acne scars are to some extent irreversible, so act wisely.Toothpaste Anyone?

Lip pimples may surface because of the ingredients found in your toothpaste. Toothpaste tends to be the more dangerous among household products in terms of causing acne. It has not one, but multiple menacing ingredients. One which has not been covered very extensively elsewhere is known as sodium lauryl sulfate. This is a strong detergent use in cleaning products such as soap and shampoo. In the case of toothpaste, it acts as foaming agent, creating suds when it makes contact with water and is agitated. Although on the surface SLS appears to be a safe and human-friendly chemical, it's looks are very deceiving.

Conclusive evidence has shown that SLS is an eye and skin irritant. In the case of the former, it has been linked to eye developmental disorders. On a broader level, there may also be a neurological impact from SLS use. Skin irritation has been reported in animals exposed to this chemical. This irritation is a huge risk factor for acne. On a final note, SLS has also been named a culprit in hair loss. Regardless, evidence has consistently proven that it is not something beneficial for the human body.

Most of you have heard of fluoride, probably from your dentist. Fluoride is used in toothpastes, dental offices, and the public water supply to help strengthen tooth enamel, Enamel is what protects the teeth against caries. While beneficial to the teeth, this substance is a skin irritant. In addition to aggravating acne, fluoride is known to cause a condition known as perioral dermatits. Acne-like lesions form around the mouth, including the lip area. This are responsive to traditional antibiotic treatments prescribed for acne sufferers, but is most often cured through the use of a non-fluoridated toothpaste. This may be a questionable leap for some of you, so make sure you talk to your doctor.

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