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Friday 17 May 2013

It's not unusual to find a vagina pimple

It's not unusual to find a vagina pimple when you feel the inside of your private parts. You can get pimples there because you have pores there too. An unusual skin eruption means that you need to have this checked up. So go to your gynecologist and ask how you can treat your vagina pimple. All skin problems have a root cause for it to start in the first place. The vagina pimple developed because there was a blockage on the sebaceous gland and this lend to an infection. Another possible reason for getting a vagina pimple is ingrown hair.

Sometimes women mistake vagina pimple for a boil so do not be tempted and squeeze it. Popping this is not the ideal therapy to get rid of it. If you do squeeze it, then clean the debris and dry the surrounding area in order to prevent the bacteria from coming back.

Sexually transmitted infections generally have the same symptoms as that of the vagina pimple. This is why a vagina pimple is a huge female concern. It could mean two things. It could mean just some acne problem but it could also mean a sexually transmitted disease that should be treated as quickly as possible. Your gynecologist will know the difference. Remember that a vagina pimple is not the same as those pimples on your face. However, the process of preventing and treating it is similar. If you know the root of a vagina pimple, then you can prevent the possibility of you getting it to begin with. This is not an abnormal ailment and it doesn't make you sinful or a leper. So don't fuss too much about it because it's okay.

Women who have vagina pimple in their private parts have the following: bacteria in the pores, hormonal swings, energetic sebaceous glands, and tightened cloth around their genitals. A vagina pimple may be some kind of embarrassment but this shouldn't be the case. It is not an issue that needs blushing over. These can be easily treated. In fact, a vagina pimple is common to teenagers, especially during puberty. But even if this area is not on view, it must be treated regularly and tenderly.

If the condition is treated with the proper medication then the herpes or genital warts are ruled out as the main reason for the vagina pimple to occur. It is very important to keep the surroundings dry and clean. Sweaty and warm sites are the dwelling ground of harmful bacteria. Make it a habit to cleanse using gentle soap and warm water. This is prevention.

If you need to cure it, what you can do it treat the vagina pimple with an oral form of medicine such as tretinoin, erythromycin, or tetracycline. You can also buy the prescribed medicine that has been issued by your gynecologist. There are some cases wherein the birth control pills are prescribed in order to regulate and balance the hormones of the woman. In order to be completely sure that you don't have any kind of STD, ask your gynecologist whether your vagina pimple is just a pimple or something more.

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