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Thursday 9 May 2013

It has been proven time and time again that a little knowledge goes a long way. The saying, ?Fundamentals are the building blocks of fun,? comes to mind. Indeed, if people understand the principles behind something, they derive joy in applying such principles. Pregnancy is not an exception. It can also be considered an art as well as a science and as such requires certain techniques to ensure success. There is no single rule on how to get pregnant faster; however, certain guidelines must be followed which are based on the physiology of getting pregnant. Among the principles to take note of on how to get pregnant faster are the following: 1) Determine the number of days in your menstrual cycle. This information is needed in timing your sexual intercourse to coincide with your ovulation day. This is usually fourteen days before the start of your next cycle. So for a woman with thirty days in her menstrual cycle, the day of ovulation is day 16. 2) Condition yourself before your ovulation period. You have to at least prepare for ?the day? about two to three months ahead of time. Same goes for your partner. Stay healthy by eating the right foods, taking vitamin and mineral supplements, resting well, and avoiding stress. 3) Condition yourself on the day of ovulation. You should see ?the day? as fun and exciting. If you stress over it, you can actually foil your chances of conception. Get your sexual juices up by pampering yourself and bringing in your hyped sexual mode.

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