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Monday 20 May 2013

Getting Rid of Pimples once and for all is not as difficult as it sounds

To treat a disease or skin condition, you have to understand what is causing it. There are many factors that can cause acne. One important factor is the increase of hormones called androgens, which causes the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Heredity is another important factor. There are environmental factors as well, such as pollution and high humidity.

Many methods are being used for getting rid of pimples, like antibiotics and topical medication. Unfortunately, many times antibiotics have side effects. Some common side effects of tetracycline are: dizziness, upset stomach and increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can result in really bad sunburns. Acutane can cause: nosebleeds, sensitivity to the sun, dry eyes, nose, mouth or lips and birth defects in the developing fetus of a pregnant woman. Topical acne treatments can clear your skin on the outside, but can?t do anything to fight the root cause of acne. Holistic medicine is based on the principle that in order to have a healthy skin, you must have good overall health. If you just treat the symptoms of acne and not the underlying cause of acne, then the condition is bound to reappear.Using purely natural methods you can get rid of pimples fast and permanently, without having to put up with all the side effects, associated with drugs.

A healthy diet can be a very powerful weapon, in your fight against pimples.

What foods to eat in order to get rid of pimples:
You should eat lots of fruits and green vegetables.

Eat salmon and flax seeds.

Eat fiber-rich foods, like whole grains and cereals.

Drinking lots of water can also be very helpful for getting rid of pimples, because it can flash out the toxins from your body.
Foods to avoid:
Avoid fried foods, snack foods, crackers, cookies and chips.

Avoid peanuts and peanut butter.

Avoid coffee, micro waved food and alcohol.

Avoid butter and red meat.
Home remedies can also have positive results. Some popular acne home remedies are honey facial masks and lemon juice. You can also use tea tree oil that can fight the bacteria on your skin. Do not squeeze or pop your pimples. I know that it can be very tempting to pick your pimples, but if you do that the situation will get worse.

You don?t have to struggle with acne any longer. You deserve to have a beautiful skin. Trust the power of nature and use natural ways of getting rid of pimples.

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