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Friday 22 March 2013

Olive Oil Packed Sun Dried Tomatoes With Basil

Dehydrated tomatoes have a rich bold flavor that when combined with olive oil and basil. The bonus with packing in olive oil is you get both tomatoes and olive oil flavored with the dried tomatoes. The oil is great for salad dressing, dipping bread or making pasta or any other recipe calling for sun dried tomatoes.Note: Dried tomatoes in oil are less of a safety concern than low acid vegetables, like garlic mixtures in oil, because the pH of tomatoes is generally 4.6 or lower. In addition, by drying the tomatoes, conditions become even less favorable to growth of C. botulinum due to a decrease in water activity. However, to ensure safety, it is recommended that all tomato in oil and herb in oil products be stored at refrigerator temperatures and eaten within a month. Now that all your fears are gone, this recipe is from Foy Update Blog: . -- posted by gailanng

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