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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Chemical-Free Acne and Blackhead Treatments

Although skin problems such as Acne, Pimples and Blackheads is considered to be a teenage affliction, it can continue to be a problem well beyond adolescence.

Acne in particular is a distressing and disfiguring complaint which is a result of chronic inflammation of the sebacecous glands, causing thickened sebum, mixed with dead skin cells and grime to block the mouth of the skin pores and form reddened spots.

As with most skin problems, acne treatment begins with dealing with the whole body and not just the face because external treatments can only ever be a temporary solution.

In order to get the best treatment for this condition it is advisable that you seek help from a professional Naturopath or Homoeopath if the acne is more serious than just the odd pimple here and there.

A good balanced diet incorporating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit and wholegrain foods, drinking plenty of water throughout the day and getting into a routine of cleansing and treating your facial skin with natural homemade remedies will help you to get your skin off to a good start. Remember that the benefits of cosmetic herbs and a good diet are cumulative.

By doing the above-mentioned things as part of your everyday life you will help yourself to maintain a clear complexion whilst controlling breakouts and getting rid of your acne, pimples and blackhead problems.Sensible Things That You Can Do To Help Control And Get Rid Of Acne, Pimples and Blackheads

In addition to eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water and using homemade acne and blackhead remedies try some of the following suggestions to help you to take control and get rid of your acne, pimples and blackhead problems.

Easier said than done I know, but try to avoid too much Stress.

Wash at least 2 - 3 times a day with a soap formulated to deal with oily or acne-prone skin. Instead of using a medicated-soap you could always try cleansing with an acne Herbal Face Scrub.

Once a week deep cleanse with a Herbal Face Mask.

Have a Facial Steam at least once a week.

After cleansing your face apply a Refining Lotion.

Treat troubled spots with a Herbal Acne Cream.

Do not be tempted to pick at or squeeze acne, pimples and/or blemishes as you will spread them and possibly leave scars.

Treat your face to at least 10 minutes of sunlight every day, preferably early morning or later afternoon (girls, that means wearing absolutely no makeup).

Drastically reduce your Salt intake (this alone can fix acne problems).

Make sure that your bowels are functioning well.

Make sure that you participate in some form of exercise every day.

Make a positive decision to cut out or cut down on the amount of Fast Food (Junk Food) that you consume.

Take a Multi-Vitamin tablet/capsule.

Try to prevent your hair from hanging down onto your face (especially dirty, oily hair) as this tends to aggravate acne.

Try to avoid using heavy make-up coverage or covering up acne with tinted-creams if possible. I know this is hard (remember I was a teenage girl once) but it is best that you wear no make-up but if you absolutely cannot be seen without wearing make-up then only use minimal coverage or wear a tinted-moisturiser instead.Emergency Pimple Care!

If you have a large emerging pimple, try and resist popping it!

Wrap an ICE-CUBE in a towel and hold it on the pimple for 5 minutes to reduce the redness.

Now dab on it some undiluted/neat TEA-TREE OIL.

You usually would not dab essential oils on undiluted but as this is an emergency it will not cause additional problems as it would if used in greater quantities, all that will happen is that the undiluted Tea-Tree Oil may sting for a little bit.

The less that you irritate a pimple, the smaller and less red it will be so treat it as gently as possible.

If you do not have any Tea-Tree Oil handy, try dabbing on some Lemon Juice if you have a lemon tree in the garden or Vinegar (Apple Cider Vineger smells better) if you have some in the pantry.Homemade Herbal Acne Cream

This herbal ointment is an effective easy to make at home natural chemical-free acne treatment suitable for both teenagers and adults to use.

Ingredients -

20 grams BEESWAX

40 ml HERBAL WATER (Recipe below)



Method -

Melt the BEESWAX in a double pan/double boiler over low heat. When it has melted down to liquid stir in the HERBAL WATER and WHEATGERM OIL.

Remove from the heat and stir in the HONEY until thoroughly blended. Allow to cool, then store in a sterilised, screw-top glass jar.

Apply to facial acne, pimples, spots, morning and night or as needed.


25 grams MARSHMALLOW ROOT, chopped

25 grams MALVA (Marshmallow) LEAF


Puts the herbs into an enamel or stainless steel pan and add distilled water. Bring to the boil and then let it simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat, cover the pan and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve or muslin cloth, discard the herb residue and add the required amount of liquid herbal water mixture to recipe.Homemade Marigold Herbal Acne Facial Wash and Astringent Lotion

An infusion of Marigold Flowers is suitable for washing blemishes, particularly on oily skin. Combine it with more emollient herbs such as Chamomile and Comfrey for dry skin conditions.

To make a Marigold Infusion take the petals of two flowers, pour over half a cup of boiling water and allow mixture to infuse until it has gone cold.

Marigold Flowers may be steeped in Cider Vinegar in a screw-top jar for a week. Then strain off and pour the vinegar liquid into a sterilised bottle.

To make a Marigold Herbal Acne Facial Wash which heals as well as restores the acid mantle to the skin, dilute 1 teaspoon of the Marigold Vinegar liquid with 2 tablespoons of Water.

Combine 3 tablespoons of Marigold Infusion with 1 tablespoon of Distilled Witch-Hazel to make an effective herbal astringent and healing lotion.Homemade Voilet Acne Lotion

Easy and simple to make because all you need to do is to put a handful of fresh Violet Leaves through a juice extractor and once juiced store the fragrant green liquid in a sterilised glass jar.

Apply the 'green liquid' directly on the acne which will help to soothe and heal the spots, pimples and blemishes.Homemade Marigold Pimple Remedy

Take a petal of the orange-coloured Calendula Marigold, bruise it gently between the fingers and press on to the acne spot, pimple. Hold it there for about 2 minutes. Repeat this process from time to time.

This simple application will help to heal a pimple overnight, leaving just a trace of redness. Another petal pressed on in the morning will remove the redness completely in just a few hours.

The healing action takes place almost miraculously while you are getting on with your life.

This particular remedy will also flatten out white lumps under the skin.

If a flower is not available just use a calendula leaf in the same way.Homemade Drawing-Out Herbal Remedies

If you get a large, boil-like, nasty, throbbing pustle pimple do not be tempted to squeeze it as you may spread the infection elsewhere but make yourself up either a Castor Oil remedy or Honey remedy which when dabbed onto the spot it will draw-out the yukky-stuff inside by 'bringing it to a head'.

Just apply a dab of Castor Oil morning and night or alternatively apply a dab of unprocessed Honey morning and night to draw it up to a head.

You may like to place a small cottonwool ball or gauze patch when you go to bed at night which will keep the remedy and infection from spreading elsewhere.Homemade Pimple and Blemish Controllers

Fresh Cucumber juice or slices, crushed Watercress leaves or juice and crushed Aloe Vera leaves or juice are all excellent blemish controllers.

Pat onto the affected area and leave overnight. Wash off the next morning.

Crushed Garlic dabbed onto acne, pimples, etc is also a very effective topical treatment, but good luck in getting any teenager to try this particular treatment. Failing that, try increasing their intake of garlic in the food that they eat.Homemade Blackhead Removers

Herbal Steam cleansers soften and penetrate, facilitating the removal of blackheads.

Make yourself a hot Herbal Infusion, using Yarrow, Comfrey or Nettle with a little Apple Cider Vinegar.

Pat Almond Oil onto the blackheads.

Soak a face towel in the hot Herbal Infusion mixture, wring out and apply several times as the towel cools.

Then gently push out the blackheads with a cotton wool ball or bud.

Another effective Blackhead Herbal Steam Facial is to three-quarter fill a bowl with Hot Water and to put in 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil and 2 drops of Geranium Oil on top of the water.

Cover your head with a towel forming a closed tent around the bowl and your head (prevent steam from escaping).

Steam for at least 10 minutes keeping your face about 30cm away from the water.

Pat the skin dry and with a cottonwool ball wrapped around your fingernails or alternatively use cottonwool buds, gently press the skin on either side of the blackhead until it pops out.

To finish of your facial cleanse, splash your skin with a toner or astringent to help soothe and heal your face.How To Get Rid of Acne, Pimples and Blackheads Using Homemade Remedies

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Cure pimples fast

Do you want to know how do you get rid of a pimple fast effectively with easy home remedies using easily available house hold ingredients and using natural therapies? Though, the best way to get rid of pimples is to prevent it from happening but as it is not completely in your hand and pimple appear on your face frequently specially in teen ages.

So, I am going to show you two effective therapies to get rid a pimple that already exist on your face but you want to get rid of it and don’t want to see it anymore. I am not going to explain medical theories and facts about the causes of pimple or how it affect your personal or social life but going to show the information and home remedies you are actually searching for.Now, let comes to the point and show you how to get rid of a pimple that already developed on your face. There are two possible stages of a pimple;

1. The pimple is just new born, red in color without any pus visible from outside and there is swelling and tightness in the skin.

2. The pimple is grown white or black head or white pus is formed and visible outside and the pus is just about to break the skin and pop out.

And there are two separate home remedies for both of the stages of a pimple that I am going to explain. The Ice Therapy for the new born red pimple and Hot Salt Water Therapy to get rid of a pimple that is grown white and about to pop out.How o get rid of a New Born Red Pimple with Ice Therapy?

The same Ice Therapy is effective on red pimples that we use to treat muscle pain and to reduce swelling on twisted or broken muscles.

Just make an ice pack and place directly on a pimple till the time you can hold coldness. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes and about 3-4 times a day.

Coldness of the ice will increase the blood flow in affected skin tissue and more blood flow means more oxygen to tissues and cells which initiate fast recovery. This Ice therapy will not treat your pimple completely but reduce the swelling, redness and flattened the pimple and it will not be clearly visible on your skin and will disappear in 1-2 days.

Precaution: Never press or squeeze the red pimple. This practice can increase the size of pimple, cause more swelling and pus and can leave a dark scar afterward.How to get rid of Pus Filled or Black Head Pimple with Hot Salt Water Therapy?

Hot salt water is known for treating infection and relaxing muscle since ancient times but it also helps to separate infected blood or pus from skin and make it easy to pop out. Just add 2-3 spoons of salt in a glass of water and boil it.

Take a cotton cloth or cotton ball and soak into hot salt water. Then squeeze the hot salt water and place it on your pimple. Make sure that cotton is not too hot to burn your skin but you should feel the hotness and wetness. Follow this step for 15 to 20 minutes and about 3-4 times a day.

Within a day you will see the upper layer of you pimple got soft or broken and you are not feeling much pain inside the pimple and you feel it easy to pop out pus from pimple.

When you feel it is safe to pop out, just take two cotton pieces and squeeze the pimple from sides (outward to inwards) and clear all pus and infected blood.

Remember, never press your pimple downward which can cause pus or black head to purse your skin deep and damage your skin deeply.

After clearing the pus just clean pimple area with same salt water and can apply any acne treatment cream or lotion on that.

You can also use same Ice Therapy after breaking pimple to reduce redness and swelling left.Important Facts:

There is no way to get rid of a pimple in minutes or hours which is already developed but you can treat it fast by using above given home remedies. These both home remedies not just treat your pimple fast but also prevent it to left a dark pimple scar on your face.

This is all how you can get rid of a single pimple fast that already exist but if you have lots of pimple on your face and you want to get rid of those pimples and scars permanently then you must read these two articles.

How to get rid of Acne and Acne Scars Naturally at Home

How to get Clear, Glowing and Beautiful Skin – Natural Home Remedies

Having pimples can be the cause of one's losing self-confidence.

Many have tried different anti-pimple creams that exacerbate the problem. Why not take a look at the cause (foods, drinks, make-up, etc.), and start from there to get to solution? Address the cause rather than relying on the treatment readily available in drug stores.

According to Wikipedia: A pimple is a kind of acne, and one of the many results of excess oil clogging the pores. Some of the varieties are pustules or papules.Pimples can be treated by various acne medications prescribed by a dermatologist, or purchased at a drug store with a wide variety of treatments.

Inside the pore are sebaceous glands which produce sebum. When the outer layers of skin shed (as they do continuously), the dead skin cells left behind may become 'glued' together by the sebum. This causes the blockage in the pore, especially when the skin becomes thicker at puberty. The sebaceous glands produce more sebum which builds up behind the blockage, and this sebum harbours various bacteria including the species Propionibacterium acnes, causing infection and inflammation.Fighting pimples naturally

Wash your face with soap and water once or twice a day. Avoid perfumed or scented soaps, and stay away from harsh deodorant soaps. These can strip your face of valuable oils that actually protect your skin, and it could lead to more pimples. Instead, use a mild anti-bacterial soap that will cleanse your skin without damaging it. Clean your skin gently. Scrubbing or hard rubbing might just spread the problem.Use as little makeup as possible. Using too much foundation or base often clogs the pores in your skin, leading to clogged oil glands and pimples. Try using a water-based makeup (rather than oil-based), and apply as thin a layer as you can to allow your skin to breathe. And be sure to wash off the makeup each evening with soap and water.

Don’t pick at your pimples. This doesn’t help them clear up any faster, and it could lead to scarring that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise.

Don’t rest your chin, neck or face on your arms or in your hands while you watch TV, read or study.

Avoid foods and drinks that seem to trigger your outbreaks (chocolate and caffeine).

Drink lots of water – up to eight glasses a day. The extra liquid helps to “flush out” your system and helps prevent pimple formation. Drinking lots of water helps keep your skin (and your hair, nails and intestines) healthy.

Some people think that a little bit of sunshine helps clear up their skin. However, dermatologists warn against the harmful effects of the sun and remind you that sun and heat can increase the amount of oil your skin produces.

If you are taking birth control pills or hormones, ask your doctor if your brand might cause acne as a side effect. If so, ask him if you can switch brands.

If your monthly period seems to trigger an acne outbreak, try to just suffer through it. There really is no smart way to adjust your hormone levels, which are triggering the outbreak. Just drink lots of water during that time and keep your skin as clean as possible to reduce your risk.

If you take medications (especially medicines for epilepsy or tuberculosis), ask your doctor or pharmacist if acne is a side effect of any of your medicines. If so, ask your doctor if there is another kind of drug you can take that doesn’t have that side effect.

Try using one of the several over-the-counter anti-acne creams. These contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid that are helpful in reducing acne flare-ups.

Try to avoid stressful situations that might trigger your acne outbreaks. If you can’t avoid the situations, begin practicing stress-relief measures (like exercising, listening to quiet music, reading a good book or prayer). Dealing with stress and anxiety before it becomes serious can often help you avoid a stress-induced acne flare-up.

If you have serious, disfiguring acne, you need to see a dermatologist. Taking medicine to improve your skin’s condition can help you avoid scarring.If you have found this hub informative, don't forget to either vote it up, leave comment, or choose your feedback below; OR, you can share it on facebook or tweet it by clicking the button at the top of this page.

Pimples on Buttocks

Individuals who have been afflicted with acne on buttocks ought to be aware that the skin condition that is creating so much distress is not, caused by the acne bacterial infection. That is the good news; the bad news is that the skin infections which cause pimples on the butt are just as difficult to handle as real acne. The buttocks have very few of the sebaceous glands which secrete sebum oil and and we all know that excess sebum is the main cause for the formation of acne. The skin inflammation, pimples and pustules that people get on their buttocks are likely to be the outcome of two skin infections, folliculitis or carbuncles, often known as boils.

Folliculitis happens when a hair follicle becomes inflamed and can happen anywhere on the body, not only on the butt. Folliculitis is usually attributable to the infection of the skin by microorganisms such as bacteria or by clothing that is too tight fitting and causes friction on the skin. This skin condition often appears like the pimples that acne produces and may cause itching and slight discomfort. It is not usually painful. Carbuncles are better known as boils and they usually occur deeper under the skin than folliculitis and are very often a result of a superficial skin infection getting worsened. They are often hard cyst type growths.

The different kinds of skin infections which mimic acne on buttocks need to be treated in different ways dependant on how critical they are. Superficial infections of folliculitus will often clear up from your butt by themselves however if they don? t, cleaning the area every day using a solution of benzoyl peroxide could help. Benzoyl peroxide helps in drying skin and also helps to destroy the infection causing bacteria. Folliculitis infections which persist after this form of antibacterial treatment might need to be further treated by applying a topical antibiotic skin cream. Boils and carbuncles occur deeper under the skin layers so they need a more intensive type of treatment.

The very first thing that you need to do when you are treating a boil is to get your health care professional to prescribe you a medium strength, wide range antibiotic to help get the bacterial infection under control. If the boil doesn't reduce itself then your health care provider will need to puncture the boil so that all of the pus inside it can drain away and then he will dress up the wound. This should be executed a medical, sterile location and never at home because there does exist a risk of spreading the infection to other parts of your body.

There are some things that could be done to decrease the chance of getting folliculitis or carbuncle infections. The butt area are under pressure every time a person sits down and extended sitting could exert pressure on the buttocks and make them hot and sweaty, a perfect environment for bacteria growth. Those who remain seated for long periods of time need to get up and walk intermittently and also make sure that their clothing is loose-fitting and comfortable so that it provides good ventilation to your buttocks. Practice good personal hygiene such as cleaning the buttocks after sitting on the toilet seat.

Monday 20 May 2013

Pimples are nothing but a blockage in your skin.

These blockages are caused due to various reasons. The main causes of pimples are dust and hormonal change. It's a fast growing world and people cannot avoid using cars, bikes, bus etc. Each and everyday pollution is increasing in air and it affects people in many ways. There are pores in skin through which dust can enter a body. It gets accumulated in the skin thus resulting in the cause of pimple.

There are various cells in our body which will be affected because of these dust and all these dead cells combine together and forms a blockage. These blockages generally become thicker at puberty. Even stress is one major cause which causes pimples.

Teenagers face major problem in removing pimples. Pimples are common among teenagers. People who get pimples have sensitive or oily skin and it is really necessary for people who have oily skin to wash their skin properly and use prescribed cream.

How to remove pimples is a common question. There are different types of treatments available to remove pimples. They are Allopathic, Homeopathic, Home remedies for pimples etc.

There are herbal products available which uses natural ingredients to cure pimples. There are various home remedies which can be followed to remove pimples. They are drinking lot of water and juices, eating healthy food.

Tea tree oil and papaya help in the removal of pimples. It is advised to use preventive measures rather than taking pills and cream after you are affected with pimples. It is advised to clean your face with clean water, drink lot of water and maintain proper diet.

It is suggested to start medication as soon as you find a pimple rather allowing it to grow to the fullest and then treating it. People who have oily skin must make sure they clean their face regularly with mild soap and keep it clean without oil formation.

Applying fresh lemon juice over the pimple and then cleaning with warm water is also one suggested method to remove pimples. Toothpaste can also be used to get rid of pimples. People can apply it over night over the pimple and wash it the next morning.

Pimples treatments can be easily made at home using common ingredients that just about everyone.

You don't have to spend lots of money on expensive, and potentially dangerous, pharmaceutical remedies for your acne. You can cure pimples in less than 72 hours with ease. Today you are going to learn the simple steps that you need to take in order to do this properly. You can be free of acne with these simple pimple treatments.

1. Increase Water Consumption

Water is an excellent pimples treatment as it acts to remove toxins from the body, promote healthy circulation and keep fluids balanced in the body, thereby moisturizing the skin far better. You should aim to drink around one to two liters of water every single day- this amount should be spread out evenly throughout the day. If you have a water purifier machine at home then you should use that to help remove trace chemicals and metals.

2. Use Toothpaste As An Effective Pimple Remover

Toothpaste is an extremely effective treatment for zits and pimples. This is because it acts to dry them out and kill the bacteria, which are the cause of the problem. Because you will likely already have some lying around the home, it won't cost you any extra. Apply a small amount to the individual pimples before you go to bed each night and let the toothpaste work its magic as an amazing pimples treatment.

3. Perform A Full Body Cleanse

Full body cleans/detoxifications are a great way to help cure acne easily and effectively. Acne has some of its roots in problems such as an unhealthy lifestyle, environment and body. By carrying out a full body cleans as an effective pimples treatment, you can help clear up your skin. Cleanses usually involve eliminating all but certain food groups for a few days, and especially toxins such as alcohol and tobacco.

Discover the worlds most effective pimples treatment that will clear your skin in three days or less. You don't need to suffer from acne any longer- discover what the best acne treatments are, many of which will cost you almost nothing to prepare, and will provide immediate, long-lasting results when it comes to clearing your skin.

I m sure that there is no long term effect for an instant thing.

That means you can?t achieve permanent result for what you have done instantly. Yes, that is a good premise.

When dealing with pimples, there is no such thing as an instant cure. Everything needs a process and a process is necessary when you are about to achieve something. By the way, how to cure pimples in a short time?

Do You Mean Instantly?

Yes, there is such a way to cure your pimples instantly. But, while doing this, you are NOT actually curing it. You only REDUCE its symptoms. I mean, you are reducing your pimples in your face or anywhere in your body.

Here is how to cure your pimples in a short time:

1. Using Toothpaste

This is a unique and yet useful method to cure your pimples instantly. You are applying toothpaste in your pimples area before going to sleep. Let it there for a night and you will see some improvement in your skin the morning after you wake up.

2. Using Tea Tree Oil

If you have tea tree oil, you can apply it in your face. But, you need to mix it with water first, in order to dilute it. You can apply it any time.

3. Using Salt Water

You can wash your face with salt water. Are you curious? Mix salt with water and wash your face with it twice a day. Maybe you?ll make some good improvements by doing this simple thing.

An instant method is a good idea to cure your pimples. Its effectiveness will vary in each person. So, don?t be surprised that those methods may not work on you, but it works for your friend.

When you don't know how to cure pimples they can be frustrating and a hassle.

Having them will cause you low self-esteem and is embarrassing. Let me share how to cure pimples so you can reclaim your confidence and clear skin.The 4 cures for pimples I present here are:

1. The first cure for pimples is to drink water. What causes breakouts is the collection of toxins that are not flushed out by water. So by drinking lots of water, you can effectively take the toxins that right now are collecting on your face, and flush them out. All by drinking about 8 glasses (minimum) per day.

2. Another cure for pimples is toothpaste. Applying toothpaste onto your pimples and allow it sit overnight with have real effects. Wash it off after you wake up in the morning, and be sure to use a mild toothpaste like aquafresh.

3. Eating healthy is another cure for your pimples. Eating foods that are high in saturated fats, vegetable oils, and sugar will cause you to breakout. Those foods will spike your insulin and create an imbalance in your hormones. If you value clean skin over taste, make a habit of rarely eating chips, cookies, fast food burgers and fries, sugary foods, and other junk foods. You should limit each day to one discretionary item. The foods you should eat are whole wheat foods, lean meats (turkey, tuna, chicken breast, lean beef), nuts, fruits, veggies, and other health foods.

4. Another cure for pimples is apricot juice. Rub apricot juice onto the areas that has pimples for ten minutes everyday or at least until your skin has cleared up.

A tip that you already know but don't follow: Make sure you don't squeeze or pop your pimples for that causes irritation and spreads more acne. Also, don't scratch them or touch them if your hands are dirty or oily. This will also cause you to breakout.

That is how to cure pimples. Use these cures to get rid of them fast. If you don't do something about it now, they could spread over your body, which includes your chest, butt, and back. Don't let your acne embarrass and frustrate you anymore!

Having pimples is embarrassing.

It can be frustrating and a hassle when trying to get rid of them. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how to get rid of pimples. That way, you can have healthy, beautiful, and clean skin.

The effective tips for getting rid of pimples are:

1. Drinking water. This is a great way to get rid of pimples. Your body is full of toxins that cause pimples. So, when you drink plenty of water, you flush the toxins out. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is probably the best way to get rid of your pimples.

2. Another way to get rid of pimples is washing your face. You should wash your face at least two times a day. Use glycerin or sorbitol soap whenever washing your face. An example of this soap is neutrogena. Using this soap will help keep your face from drying out.

3. Using toothpaste on your pimples is another way to get rid of pimples. Place a small amount of toothpaste onto your pimples and let it stay there overnight. Upon waking up, wash the dried toothpaste off of your pimples. You should see a difference.

4. Another effective tip for getting rid of pimples is eating healthy. Try to avoid eating junk foods and fast foods, which includes chips, cookies, cakes, fast food burgers and fries, pizzas, chocolates, sugary sodas, and other junk foods.

5. Using apricot juice is another way to get rid of pimples. Apply the apricot juice to the areas that are affected by pimples for about ten minutes everyday. Or at least until you see desirable results.

One final tip: I know you already know this, but try harder not to "pop" or squeeze your pimples. This will only irritate your pimples and could cause them to spread.

Use these tips to get rid of your pimples fast. If you don't do something now about your acne, they will get worse. The pimples could spread over your back, chest, and butt. Don't let your acne and pimples embarrass and frustrate you anymore.

Don't you just hate acne and pimples?

Not only the painfulness irritates you.. the worst of all is when the pimples or acne appears just right before an important event! Or what could be more frustrating when a old pimple or acne area is healing then a new one comes out?

I've always had clean and smooth skin during my school days. But unfortunately when I was 20, my smooth and clean skin became a nightmare - outbreaks of huge painful pimples closely formed together around my cheeks, nose, forehead and other areas. The worst part about pimples and acne is it affects self-esteem!

Fortunately, I found the cause and treat my pimples and acne cheaply without seeking a dermatologist or undergo any expensive treatment or products.

In this hub article, I will teach you how to get rid of acne or how to get rid of pimples for free.Pimples And Acne Facts

How Pimples are formed?

I will explain in short and in layman terms. As you can see the diagram on the right, pimples are caused when the Sebaceous Gland produces so much oil and it gets clogged by dirt. Once it gets clogged, it gets oxidized by air and that is how you get blackheads (the oxidation causes it to be black in colour). Bacteria will naturally form underneath and that is how you start to get those painful bumps which are called pimples.

What is the difference between Acne and Pimples?

Simply put, a condition is classified as Acne is when there is a huge number of pimples together or near each other. If you have just like a few pimples at your face but in different areas (chin, nose, forehead, .etc) then it's NOT Acne. But if let's say your right-cheek has a huge number of pimples forming closely together (which looks like a patch), it's classified as a case of acne.Types of Pimple and Acne Medication

In this section on Pimple and Acne medication, I will only explain the difference between Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid..

Benzoyl Peroxide for Pimples or Acne:

Benzoyl Peroxide is usually used for killing pimple or acne bacteria called propionibacterium acnes (those reddish painful bumps) and to reduce inflammation. It is usually effective to use when you start seeing pimples forming (before being classified as Acne). Unfortunately, it takes a long time to see the miracle effect - usually around 2-3 weeks. Also, it is VERY drying and this could make your condition even worser since your face will produce even more oil to compensate the dryness and this increases the chance of clogged pores.

What is the best Benzoyl Peroxide strength to use?

It's been clinically proven that using the lowest strength (2.5%) is as good as using 5-10%. But it is recommended to use the lowest strength since the higher the strength of benzoyl peroxide, the higher chance that you could have side-effects (like dry skin).

Salicylic Acid for Pimples or Acne:

Salicylic Acid exfoliates your skin and clears the pores from being clogged. It is very useful for early stages of pimples when blackheads are being formed. It is best used to PREVENT new pimples. It isn't as drying as Benzoyl Peroxide but do not overuse it.

Benzoyl Peroxide vs Salicylic Acid - which one is better and when to use?

Salicylic Acid is best used to prevent pimples so do look out for this ingredient when you buy facial foam products. It is also best used for early stages of pimples when blackheads are being formed.

For Benzoyl Peroxide, use it when your pimple has entered the red, painful bump stage.Things You Need To Know

Ok, now I will tell you how I treat my Acne and Pimple condition. And of course, tips.

Questions to ask yourself:

Is your medication causing your pimple or acne condition to be worst?

Are you using a high-strength Benzoyl Peroxide medicine? If yes, then are you already having dry skin but continue using it? If you answered yes again then stop doing it because this might be the cause (Ironic, isn't it?) because if your skin is dried badly from the high strength medication of Benzoyl Peroxide, your skin will compensate it by pumping more oil to your face and this increases the clogging!

Or are you using any other home remedies? Try stopping it for a week and see if it helps!

I used to use Tea Tree Oil as a cure for my pimples and acne condition. And yes, it really did help! My pimples dry up fast and disappear a few days later but there's a problem - it dries my skin horribly and this causes more and more pimples in the end!

Are you taking sufficient nutrients in your diet?

If you hate vegetables or hardly eat any fruits, this might be the cause. Start to eat em' or learn to take vitamin pills in the morning, it helps!

Try to lessen milk consumption. Why? It's said that there IS a link between milk and acne. Cow's milk do contain hormones naturally and because farmers want them to produce more milk (to sell) they injected even more hormones into cows. This hormones are responsible for pimples and acne.

Lessen sugar intake. It's a long explanation so I will skip this. In short, sugar do cause pimples or worsen your acne condition.

Are you sleeping enough?

Believe it or not, this was the main cause of my pimples. I usually slept 5-6 hours a day and that is how it triggered my pimples and later acne outbreaks; using the tea tree oil and poor diet made it worst! When I start to sleep more (from 5-6 hours to 7-8 hours - which is the required amount of sleep an adult needs), my pimple and acne condition improved dramatically! Not only that, I am now more motivated and upbeat everyday without feeling tired!

Are you drinking enough?

No, not alcohol but just water and nothing else. Just buy or bring from home a bottle of mineral water to your work or classroom and drink it. I promise you it will help your condition even more!Conclusion

Do make sure your facial foam contains Salicylic Acid to prevent new pimples or in the early stages of pimples (blackheads).

Use Benzoly Peroxide when the pimples has reached the later stage - the red, painful bumps.

See if your pimple or acne condition is actually being worsen by your current medication you're using to treat.

Sleep and drink sufficiently.

The information on this article are taken the ebook at: How To Get Rid of Acne

I highly recommend that you try getting the ebook. You will learn way much more on stopping acne outbreaks forever. You can download it for FREE.

I stopped my acne outbreaks in just 2-days, as promised from the ebook; and have a perfect, clear, scarless face in just 6-weeks!